A little update + current macro/cardio split!

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Hi everyone!

The semester is finally over for me, thank goodness! Got my final grades in today (05/19), and there are no complaints to be made :) However, I start a mini session tomorrow (05/20), and then I start the two summer sessions. Yay... :/ lol BUT I'm graduating in December 2016, so I'm not too mad about it!

Anyways, I wanted to update you guys on my prep. I'm currently 7 weeks and two days out from Battle on the Bay 2016 in Corpus Christi, TX. Things are running along smoothly because I figured out last prep that my body responds extremely well/fast to small changes. Some of you may hate me for that lol, but it's just how my body works.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Everything I'm about to share with you is for me and my body only. My specific amount of cardio probably won't work for you, so don't try to base your training off of mine and expect the same results. Everyone is different, and you may need much more or much less cardio to achieve the results you want.
  • Same goes for macros. Macros are given on a completely individualized basis (or should be). Even if you're my height (5'6) AND my weight (120-122lbs), my macros probably won't work for you. We could be exactly alike in all aspects including length of time we've been training, height, age, weight, even same body fat percent, but MY MACROS WON'T WORK FOR YOU. I suggest using an online calculator, such as the one on Katy Hearn's website to give you a place to start. From there you can see how your body responds and adjust accordingly. If you already have a macro split that you created for yourself or that your coach gave to you, FOLLOW THAT. Do not let my macros influence you whatsoever. I'm only giving them out because I think it's interesting to know other people's macros. I like knowing them out of pure curiosity, not because I try to use their macros.


So for my last prep I was doing MISS fasted cardio 7x a week (45 min) and MISS post-workout cardio 6x a week (also 45 min). Not as much as some, but it was a lot for me because I was coming from doing absolutely none in my off-season. This prep has been was easier in the cardio department.
Currently, I'm doing HIIT 3x a week (20 min) with 45sec on and 1 minute 15sec off. I usually do it on the stairmaster because changing speeds on the stairs is easier/quicker than the treadmill. Sometimes I do it on the bike, but I can never get comfortable on a bike, so I just stick with the stairs. I'm also doing one MISS session a week (20 min) also on the stairs. I've completely cut out fasted cardio for this prep because in all honesty, I hate it. I wake up absolutely starving every day, and I love cooking and eating breakfast every single day. Trying to force myself to be that hungry for hours after I wake up just isn't practical for me. Fasted cardio makes me more tired, irritable, and extremely moody. So why do it if I hate it? Kind of my motto with everything: if you hate it, don't do it.

Now, I do believe fasted cardio made a huge difference in my last prep, but I think that's because I had about 20-25lbs to lose when I started. Now, I only have about 2-3lbs to lose, so that much cardio (fasted or not) isn't really necessary because I've been seeing changes with the small amount of cardio I've been doing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it :)


I started my last prep at about 300c/60f/130p, which were excellent macros to cut down from for a prep. Even at the end of my prep, my lowest carbs day NEVER dropped below 130c, and my highest stayed around 170c.
Currently, I'm carb cycling with a low, moderate, high split with one "cheat/treat" meal a week if I feel like I need it. My protein and fat stay the same on all days (50f/125-130p), but my carbs vary from 140c on low days, 160c on moderate days, and 180c on high days. My cheat meals usually involve a burger and fries or pasta and usually a dessert. Last weekend it was half a jar of crunchy cookie butter. I eat whatever I'm craving, and I try to not go overboard. This week I won't be having a cheat meal because I'm not craving anything, and I don't feel like I need it. I'm finally learning what balance and moderation mean, and surprisingly, prep teaches me the most about my eating habits and helps me reshape them into healthier ones.

Training Split:

My training split is usually 5-6 days a week. The first day is quad/glute focused, second is back and a little bicep work, third is shoulders (heavy), fourth is light hamstrings and heavy glutes, fifth is arm (bi/tri/shoulder again), and sixth is plyo/another glute day. This is what works for me, and this is what I enjoy. My split varies, and I do what feels good. So some days are heavy with low-ish reps, some days are light with high reps, and some days are a mix of both. I get bored really easily, so I like to switch it up. I'm constantly pushing myself to go harder and do more, so training like this works for me because I'm always pushing extremely hard, even if the training is different.

I hope you guys enjoyed this little break-down of my current prep situation. Comment below or on my instagram (@savannahforemanfit) with any questions or suggestions. Let me know what you'd like to see next :) until then, keep lifting and living!
