Let me introduce myself...

12:54 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hi everyone!

I thought I'd do a little introductory post to introduce myself and this blog I decided to start.

My name is Savannah Foreman (@savannahforemanfit on Instagram). I'm 20 years old (21 on April 6th), and I live in Texas. I'm currently in college obtaining my BA in English with a minor in Spanish from Lamar University in Beaumont, TX. I love food, lifting, my family, friends, boyfriend, and my life. I'd like to think I'm one of the most positive people I know. I love talking to people about fitness and the gym, so please introduce yourself and don't be shy! I love meeting new people who share the same passions as me.

I decided to create this blog because:

1) I'm an English major. I love writing, reading, grammar, etc. However, my concentration is on technical writing, so I wanted to brush up on my creative writing skills in a fun and productive way.

2) I have a lot to say! I'm definitely a talker when it comes to things I'm passionate about. Ask any of my friends or family. I never shut up about lifting, supplements, food, ANYTHING haha. I want to use this space as a creative outlet for all of the cool/new foods I eat, prep and future bikini competitions I plan to do, work outs/gym/lifting related stuff, and anything else I want to share or that y'all want to hear.

My next post will be reviewing the new Arctic Zero ice cream flavors (YAAAY!) and some of the dairy-free Ben and Jerry's flavors (I'm lactose intolerant, so YAY again)!